Our Story

We didn’t get much sleep. 2018 has just begun, yet the markets were never quiet. The market for stocks in March 2020 seems calm in comparison to the tremendous volatility.

Negative news would then be repurposed and released weeks later, causing yet another chain reaction of selloffs. Traders would band together to pump and dump different cryptocurrencies. Crypto scammers were also selling off pilfered bitcoin left and right.

This free-for-all era is what we like to call the “Wild West” of cryptocurrency. There was little logic, and traders were very frustrated. An economist, a data scientist, and a few day traders got together to try and make sense of all the mayhem.

Our plan was to gather as much information as we could to examine and determine what drives the cryptocurrency markets. Next, ascertain the course of the market for tomorrow.

We began by receiving a colleague’s two-year-old trading algorithm. It was effective, but it fell short of our initial goal of identifying what or who was driving the market.

We promptly included machine learning and artificial intelligence into the trading system. This made sure that the algorithm would recognise connections, trends, and habits on its own.

We finally had it after a few more months and several iterations. Coinic AI is a trading platform that tracks the major players in the cryptocurrency market to forecast price changes and take immediate action on them.

After two years, Coinic AI has only become more accurate. And while having more cryptocurrency with Coinic AI than we did previously is a pleasant perk, our increased independence is what really matters. It was a benefit we didn’t even see before hand.

Each of us has more time to travel, spend with our loved ones, and engage in passion projects. Not to add, we no longer receive price alerts that wake us up at three in the morning. That is Coinic AI’ true advantage!

We no longer spend hours upon hours attempting to decipher why the market rose or fell. Coinic AI informs us of who is responsible and when it will occur.

After watching the price decrease by $2,000 and spending the following 48 hours reading articles to try to understand what had happened, we were all worn out and upset. It irritates me.

We are aware of how frustrating it might be to not know why the market fell $2,000 in a matter of minutes. We have experienced that. That’s the reason Coinic AI was created. We made the decision to open up Coinic AI to the public in an effort to assist and enhance the lives of people. We are aware that there are others who share our displeasure. Come learn with us what dozens of other traders have discovered by joining us. Coinic AI can help you trade more profitably while you sleep, have more freedom, and experience less stress.

Copyright © of Coinic AI 2019-2024.